likes !
iced water, coffee, blackberries, stuffed animals, interacting online, harry potter, ellen hopkin's books, diet coke

beetwt, bootwt, punztwt, probs will interact with people from random fandoms that im interested in

reg [reggie]


drawing, reading, music, harry potter, space, philosophy, coffee, flannel pj pants, collecting little things, sherlock holmes, plants, stephen king, grunge, libraries, ice cream

other :

i use caps + swearing, i interact a bit, i post abt my life, tone indicators r awesome

dni if you...
basic dni criteria, under 13, dont support neopronouns, transphobic, conservative republican
ranboo, punz, corpse, tubbo, sneegsnag, billzo

dislikes !
bugs, horror movies, washing the dishes, being told im wrong, the dark, sad endings to books, angst

nsfw, gore, loud noises, self harm, suicide, eating disorders, derealization, paranoia

extra :

  • nicknames r cool!!

  • kys + die jokes r funny

  • i am not just a stan acc, i post abt my life too

  • pqrts r ok! they don't bother me